Now you have formatting to apply to any cell that should include a bullet point. You will need to go to a different cell and then proceed with the instructions for creating a format to insert bullet points to any spreadsheet. If you do not have a numeric keypad, you will need to place a bullet point in a cell using the instructions above about inserting a bullet point, then copy the bullet point. In the box labeled Type:, click Alt+7 (7 from the numeric keypad), then click the spacebar, then type Click OK.

Select the Number tab and choose Custom from the Category: options. If you want to have a format to apply to all cells that should contain a bullet point, for your current spreadsheet and all others, click Ctrl+1 (not on the keypad) to open the Format Cells dialog box. Then type whatever you like next to the bullet. Enter 2022 for the Character code, click Insert, Close. In the Symbol window that opens, choose (normal text) for the Font. If you do not have a numeric keypad, click in the cell and go to the Insert tab on the top navigation bar and, from the Symbols group, select Symbols, Symbol. If you just want to include a bullet point in a cell one time, click in the cell and click Alt+7 (7 from the numeric keypad). You can include bullet points in an Excel spreadsheet. Is there a way to include bullet points in Excel spreadsheets?Ī. I would like to add bullet points to some of my Excel spreadsheets, but Excel doesn't have that option on the Home tab like Microsoft Word.